Type: Dataset
Tags: Memcached, Redis, In-memory caches, Miss Ratio Curve, MRC, Working Set Size, WSS, Time-to-Live, TTL
Tags: Memcached, Redis, In-memory caches, Miss Ratio Curve, MRC, Working Set Size, WSS, Time-to-Live, TTL
@inproceedings{sultan2024ttlsmatter, title= {TTLs matter: Efficient cache sizing with TTL-aware miss ratio curves and working set sizes}, author= {Sari Sultan}, year= {2024}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Conference on Computer Systems}, pages= {387--404}, url= {https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3627703.3650066}, keywords= {Memcached, Redis, In-memory caches, Miss Ratio Curve, MRC, Working Set Size, WSS, Time-to-Live, TTL}, abstract= {In-memory cache access traces used in the paper titled "TTLs matter: Efficient cache sizing with TTL-aware miss ratio curves and working set sizes" EuroSys'24 Paper link: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3627703.3650066 GitHub: https://github.com/SariSultan/TTLsMatter-EuroSys24}, terms= {}, license= {}, superseded= {} }