[Coursera] Preventing Chronic Pain A Human Systems Approach (University of Minnesota)

folder Coursera - Preventing Chronic Pain A Human Systems Approach (292 files)
file5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 1 - Introduction_ The Rule of Moderation v3 (2_37).srt 1.34kB
file3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 3 Patient Interviews (1_12).srt 1.69kB
file5 MYOFASCIAL PAIN (Jaeger)/5 - 7 Clinic Trigger Points Demo (1_46).srt 2.35kB
file8 FIBROMYALGIA (Russell)/8 - 1 - Introduction_ The Rule of Gatherings (3_21).srt 2.66kB
file7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 2 What You Can Do to Prevent Headaches_ An introduction (2_25).srt 3.06kB
file18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 5 Listening and Understanding People_'s Stories (2_04).srt 3.24kB
fileAbout this course.txt 3.68kB
file4 THE BALANCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (Fricton)/4 - 5 How do you want to be_ (3_26).srt 4.62kB
file17 SPIRITUAL REALM (Whitebird)/17 - 1 Introduction_ The Blessing of Love v2 (4_06).srt 4.95kB
file18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 6 Creating and Activating Clinical Reasoning Dynamics (3_29).srt 5.02kB
file3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 8 - Patient Interview 3 (5_24).srt 5.38kB
file1 Introduction/1 - 2 - International Myopain Society Introduction (3_50).srt 5.55kB
file1 Introduction/1 - 5 - Campaign Promo (4_15).srt 5.56kB
file12 MIND REALM (Hathaway)/12 - 1 Introduction_ Energy Thieves v2 (5_05).srt 5.88kB
file18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 7 The Complementary Nature of Problems and Outcomes (4_08).srt 5.90kB
file14 EMOTIONAL REALM (Weisberg)/14 - 1 Introduction_ Emotion and Fear v2.srt 7.21kB
file7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 1 - Introduction_ The Vacation v2 (5_22).srt 7.29kB
file7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 5 Headache Triggers and Contributing Factors (5_45).srt 7.65kB
file16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 1 Introduction_ The Festival v2 (6_06).srt 7.68kB
file18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 2 Outcome Present State Test (OPT) Model (5_16).srt 7.69kB
file11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 8 - Clinic Demo_ Stretching (7_48).srt 7.71kB
file11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 7 Clinic Demo_ Exercises (6_06).srt 7.75kB
file9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 4 Strategies to Manage Arthritis Pain (5_41).srt 7.80kB
file9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 5 Screening for Functional Mobility (6_12).srt 7.95kB
file3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 4 Assess Your Seven Realms (5_25).srt 8.18kB
file7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 4 Headache Diagnosis (6_43).srt 8.63kB
file16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 5 Medical and Dental Treatment Risks and Chronic Pain (6_23).srt 8.96kB
file16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 4 Personal Accidents and Chronic Pain (6_45).srt 9.08kB
file18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 3 Knowledge Representation and Framing (6_31).srt 9.08kB
file3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 7 - Patient Interview 2 (7_21).srt 9.55kB
file11 THE BODY REALM (Fricton)/11 - 5 Exercise (6_57).srt 9.64kB
file7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 9 Treatment Planning_ Simple to complex (6_55).srt 9.77kB
file2 THE HEALTH CARE DILEMMA (Fricton)/2 - 0 - Preface to The Last Scroll (v2) (7_51).srt 9.81kB
file4 THE BALANCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (Fricton)/4 - 4 Chaos Theory_ Small changes, big impact (7_34).srt 10.03kB
file10 CHRONIC PAIN MECHANISMS (Maixner)/10 - 5 The Overlapping Features of Chronic Pain Conditions (9_01).srt 10.06kB
file2 THE HEALTH CARE DILEMMA (Fricton)/2 - 1 The Prevalence of Chronic Pain (7_59).srt 10.17kB
file1 Introduction/1 - 3 - Introduction to the Last Scroll (v2) (7_11).srt 10.17kB
file9 ARTHRITIS (Anderson)/9 - 3 Arthritis_ Risk and protective factors (7_24).srt 10.34kB
file7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 6 What About Muscle Dysfunction_ (7_26).srt 10.42kB
file13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 3 Neuroplasticity_ Mechanisms for Social Risk (8_01).srt 10.54kB
file13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 2 The Cycles of the Social Lives We Live (7_35).srt 10.56kB
file19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 5 What about Opioids to Prevent Chronic Pain_ (8_33).srt 10.78kB
file19 TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTH CARE (Fricton)/19 - 6 What about Surgery to Prevent Chronic Pain_ (7_58).srt 10.84kB
file16 ENVIRONMENTAL REALM (Fricton)/16 - 6 Infection Risk_ Staying Clean, Infection Free, and Healthy (8_01).srt 10.88kB
file7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 3 Understanding Your Headache (8_41).srt 10.90kB
file13 SOCIAL REALM (Fricton)/13 - 4 Abuse, Conflict, and Social Stressors_ Inner Conflict and Pain (8_41).srt 11.19kB
file18 THE PATIENT'S STORY (Pesut)/18 - 4 Clinical Reasoning Web (7_33).srt 11.19kB
file3 THE PERSONAL IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN (Fricton)/3 - 6 - Patient Interview 1 (7_09).srt 11.49kB
file7 HEADACHE (Clavel)/7 - 8 Managing Headaches_ An individualized treatment plan (8_23).srt 11.71kB
Too many files! Click here to view them all.
Type: Course

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