Neo4j graph dataset of cycling paths in Slovenia
Alen Rajšp and Iztok Fister Jr.

Type: Dataset
Tags: Data mining, Geographical data, Graph database, OpenStreetMap, Route generation, Sports training

title= {Neo4j graph dataset of cycling paths in Slovenia},
journal= {},
author= {Alen Rajšp and Iztok Fister Jr.},
year= {},
url= {},
abstract= {Navigating through a real-world map can be represented in a bi-directed graph with a group of nodes representing the intersections and edges representing the roads between them. In cycling, we can plan training as a group of nodes and edges the athlete must cover. Optimizing routes using artificial intelligence is a well-studied phenomenon. Much work has been done on finding the quickest and shortest paths between two points. In cycling, the solution is not necessarily the shortest and quickest path. However, the optimum path is the one where a cyclist covers the suitable distance, ascent, and descent based on his/her training parameters. This paper presents a Neo4j graph-based dataset of cycling routes in Slovenia. It consists of 152,659 nodes representing individual road intersections and 410,922 edges representing the roads between them. The dataset allows the researchers to develop and optimize cycling training generation algorithms, where distance, ascent, descent, and road type are considered.},
keywords= {Data mining, Geographical data, Graph database, OpenStreetMap, Route generation, Sports training},
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license= {},
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