Type: Dataset
Tags: whole-slide image, pathology, histology
Tags: whole-slide image, pathology, histology
@article{, title= {CAMELYON16 dataset}, journal= {}, author= {Peter Bandi}, year= {}, url= {https://camelyon16.grand-challenge.org/data}, abstract= {CAMELYON16 challenge dataset. The goal of CAMELYON16 challenge is to evaluate new and existing algorithms for automated detection of metastases in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained whole-slide images (WSIs) of lymph node sections. The dataset contains 270 WSIs (159 normal slides, and 111 slides with tumor) for training, and 129 WSIs for testing. The dataset is a slightly updated version of the one available on GigaScience at https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giy065. The changes are: 1. The test_114.tiff WSI was exhaustively annotated. 2. Generated mask files were added for each WSI with value 1 for normal tissue, and 2 for tumor areas in the corresponding WSI.}, keywords= {whole-slide image, pathology, histology}, terms= {}, license= {https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0}, superseded= {} }