Type: Paper
Tags: , book, Medical, paper, aliem, em, pediatric, emergencymedicine

title= {ALiEM ReSCu Peds Simulation eBook},
journal= {},
author= {Academic Life in Emergency Medicine and Sam Shahid and Dr. Kei Wong and Dr. Rebekah Burns and Dr. Marc Auerbach},
year= {},
url= {https://www.aliem.com/emrescupeds-em-resident-simulation-curriculum-pediatrics/},
abstract= {A compendium of 16 peer-reviewed, simulation cases as a standardized national pediatric curriculum for all emergency medicine (EM) residency programs, based on high-priority pediatric-specific content. Intended as pediatric training for Emergency Medicine Residents.

keywords= {aliem, em, pediatric, medical, paper, book, emergencymedicine,},
terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {}

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