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Added | 2015-11-24 01:39:02 |
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Type: Dataset
@article{, title= {Boston Hubway Data Visualization Challenge Dataset}, keywords= {}, journal= {}, author= {Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)}, year= {}, url= {}, license= {}, abstract= {The Hubway trip history data includes every trip taken through Nov 2013 ? with date, time, origin and destination stations, plus the bike number and more. Data from 2011/07 through 2013/11 The Hubway trip history data Every time a Hubway user checks a bike out from a station, the system records basic information about the trip. Those anonymous data points have been exported into the spreadsheet. Please note, all private data including member names have been removed from these files. What can the data tell us? The CSV file contains data for every Hubway trip from the system launch on July 28th, 2011, through the end of September, 2012. The file contains the data points listed below for each trip. We've also posed some of the questions you could answer with this dataset - we're sure you.ll have lots more of your own. Duration - Duration of trip. What's the average trip duration for annual members vs. casual users? Start date - Includes start date and time. What are the peak Hubway hours? End date - Includes end date and time. Which days of the week get the most Hubway traffic? Start station - Includes starting station name and number. Which stations are most popular? Which stations make up the most popular origin/destination pairs? End station - Includes ending station name and number. Which stations are the most asymmetric - more trips start there than end there, or vice versa? Are they all at the top of hills? Bike Nr - Includes ID number of bike used for the trip. What does a year in the life of one Hubway bike look like? Member Type - Lists whether user was an Annual or Casual (1 or 3 day) member. Which stations get the most tourist traffic, and which get the most commuters? Zip code - Lists the zip code for annual members only. How far does Hubway really reach? Which community should be the next to get Hubway stations? Birthdate - Lists the year in which annual members were born. Are all of the Hubway rentals at 2:00am by people under 25? Gender - Lists gender for annual members only. Are there different top stations for male vs. female Hubway members?}, tos= {}, superseded= {}, terms= {} }