Info hash | 525e372c1c8b2a1c40fb9259b069df55e5ec0da5 |
Last mirror activity | 4:28 ago |
Size | 116.37GB (116,367,176,390 bytes) |
Added | 2025-03-21 12:44:37 |
Views | 5 |
Hits | 26 |
ID | 5354 |
Type | single |
Downloaded | 39 time(s) |
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Filename | NLM Publications and Productions.7z |
Mirrors | 19 complete, 0 downloading = 19 mirror(s) total [Log in to see full list] |
![]() | 116.37GB |
Type: Dataset
Tags: us government, usgov, nlm, medicine
Tags: us government, usgov, nlm, medicine
@article{, title= {National Library of Medicine - Publications and Productions (Full Collection)}, journal= {}, author= {}, year= {}, url= {}, abstract= {This is a full download of the entire Publications and Productions digital collection from the National Library of Medicine as it exists today. This archive contains documents and other media (videos, etc.) produced by the NLM. Each item is paired with a metadata file and may be included in multiple formats. Directories are named with the title of the item they contain (with special characters removed and occasionally truncated to keep the archive portable across different operating systems). Full, unedited title, author, and license information can be found within the metadata files. This archive is part of the Safeguarding Research project: Note: You will need to use 7zip to open this archive. Description of the collection from the NLM: The NLM Publications and Productions Collection spans the 1860s to the present and includes documents published by the National Library of Medicine and its predecessors: the Library of the Surgeon General’s Office (1836-1922), the Army Medical Library (1922-1952), and the Armed Forces Medical Library (1952-1956). NLM-created documents and videos in this collection include interviews, biographies, reports, and lectures. Highlights include: • The medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion (1861-65) in two volumes in six parts, including illustrations and maps; • first edition of the Army Medical Library Classification (1951), for arrangement of monographs on medicine and related sciences, designed for use in conjunction with the Library of Congress Classification; • the film, Dedication ceremonies, National Library of Medicine: December 14, 1961, a record of the dedication ceremonies for the new building of the National Library of Medicine, held on December 14, 1961; • the study, design, and implementation of MEDLARS (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) in 1964 chronicled in The MEDLARS story at the National Library of Medicine; • a catalog named for and based on the NLM exhibition, Dream Anatomy, originally showcased in 2002-2003 and featuring exceptional illustrations and portraits. }, keywords= {usgov, us government, nlm, medicine}, terms= {}, license= {}, superseded= {} }