[Coursera] Case-Based Introduction to Biostatistics
Scott Zeger

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Added2018-09-01 03:59:00
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FolderCase-Based Introduction to Biostatistics
Num files27 files
File list
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1 - 1 - 1.1. The Scientific Method (1923).mp427.51MB
1 - 10 - 1.6A Gaussian Distribution Central Limit Theorum (1008).mp49.46MB
1 - 11 - 1.6B Gaussian Distribution Key Facts (548).mp45.58MB
1 - 2 - 1.2. On Cause (934).mp413.28MB
1 - 3 - 1.3. On Probability (3737).mp438.96MB
1 - 4 - 1.4A Probability Distributions Mean Median (854).mp48.81MB
1 - 5 - 1.4B Probability Distributions Mean Median Spread (620).mp46.11MB
1 - 6 - 1.4C Probability Distributions Shape (723).mp47.25MB
1 - 7 - 1.5A Binomial Distribution Parameters (724).mp47.16MB
1 - 8 - 1.5B Binomial Distribution What Do Binomial Distributions Look Like (958).mp49.37MB
1 - 9 - 1.5C Binomial Distribution General Binomial Formula (914).mp48.64MB
2 - 1 - 2.1A Distribution of medical expenditures (1235).mp411.13MB
2 - 10 - 2.4A Stratification and Confounding (1207).mp411.47MB
2 - 11 - 2.4B Pooling Across Strata to Reduce Confounding (1605).mp415.27MB
2 - 2 - 2.1B Distribution of medical expenditures Stem Leaf Plots (1231).mp411.34MB
2 - 3 - 2.1C Distribution of medical expenditures Boxplots (953).mp49.09MB
2 - 4 - 2.2A Confidence Intervals (1152).mp411.62MB
2 - 5 - 2.2B Confidence Intervals Continued (1035).mp410.35MB
2 - 6 - 2.3A Comparing Distributions Q-Q Plots (1814).mp418.43MB
2 - 8 - 2.3B1 Confidence Intervals for Difference of Means Part 1 (720).mp47.00MB
2 - 9 - 2.3B2 Confidence Intervals for Difference of Means Part 2 (759).mp47.59MB
3 - 1 - 3.1. Scientific Background for NNIPS-II study (816).mp49.65MB
3 - 2 - 3.2A Inference with Proportions (15-37).mp415.33MB
3 - 3 - 3.2B Invariance with Odds Ratios (7-26).mp47.18MB
3 - 4 - 3.3A Logistic Regression (1030).mp410.57MB
3 - 5 - 3.3B Logistic Regression Continued (1411).mp413.71MB
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