Info hash | e54694787f54a7a0096d9b0f062d31a3a3925ae8 |
Last mirror activity | 5:22 ago |
Size | 2.39GB (2,392,720,056 bytes) |
Added | 2016-07-14 01:29:12 |
Views | 1894 |
Hits | 4197 |
ID | 3234 |
Type | multi |
Downloaded | 1491 time(s) |
Uploaded by | courses |
Folder | Coursera - Nanotechnology: The Basics |
Num files | 229 files [See full list] |
Mirrors | 12 complete, 0 downloading = 12 mirror(s) total [Log in to see full list] |
Coursera - Nanotechnology: The Basics (229 files)
All Quizzes.html | 85.69kB |
All Surveys.html | 55.57kB |
course_home.html | 61.74kB |
assignment_home.html | 36.23kB |
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Syllabus/Syllabus.html | 41.76kB |
CourseLogistics/links.txt | 2.10kB |
CourseLogistics/CourseLogistics.html | 42.36kB |
QuickQuestions15/links.txt | 1.96kB |
DiscussionForums/DiscussionForums.html | 66.63kB |
QuickQuestions15/QuickQuestions15.html | 59.67kB |
DiscussionForums/links.txt | 3.39kB |
Week4Nanophotonics/links.txt | 3.44kB |
Week4Nanophotonics/nanotech%2FNanoWeek4.pdf | 26.10MB |
Week3Nanomagnetics/zip_page.html | 157.29kB |
Week4Nanophotonics/Week4Nanophotonics.html | 143.39kB |
Week4Nanophotonics/zip_page.html | 143.39kB |
Week3Nanomagnetics/Week3Nanomagnetics.html | 157.29kB |
Week4Nanophotonics/nanotech%2FNanophotonicSupplemental.pdf | 3.91MB |
Week4Nanophotonics/nanotech%2FWeek4Lecture8VC.pdf | 9.64MB |
Week3Nanomagnetics/nanotech%2FNanotechnologyCourseraWeek3VCGOODA-2.pdf | 25.53MB |
Week3Nanomagnetics/links.txt | 3.01kB |
Week1Nanotechnology/zip_page.html | 138.52kB |
Week1Nanotechnology/nanotech%2FNanotechCourseraWeek1.pdf | 25.22MB |
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AdditionalResources/AdditionalResources.html | 232.07kB |
Week1Nanotechnology/links.txt | 3.20kB |
Week1Nanotechnology/Week1Nanotechnology.html | 138.52kB |
Week2Nanoelectronics/zip_page.html | 138.93kB |
Week2Nanoelectronics/links.txt | 3.15kB |
Week2Nanoelectronics/nanotech%2FNanotechWeek2_v2.pdf | 21.00MB |
Week2Nanoelectronics/nanotech%2FNanotechCourseraWeek2_Suppl.pdf | 1.33MB |
Week2Nanoelectronics/Week2Nanoelectronics.html | 138.93kB |
PeerAssessmentActivity/links.txt | 2.16kB |
FinalExamandOtherStuff/links.txt | 2.43kB |
PeerAssessmentActivity/PeerAssessmentActivity.html | 42.61kB |
FinalExamandOtherStuff/FinalExamandOtherStuff.html | 63.17kB |
04_Week_4-_Nanophotonics/ | 23.55kB |
04_Week_4-_Nanophotonics/04_Lecture_4.4_Band_Gaps_Excitons_and_Quantum_Confinement_12-52.mp4 | 70.81MB |
04_Week_4-_Nanophotonics/03_Lecture_4.3_A_Little_Bit_of_Quantum_Mechanics_12-10.txt | 13.38kB |
04_Week_4-_Nanophotonics/ | 22.06kB |
04_Week_4-_Nanophotonics/04_Lecture_4.4_Band_Gaps_Excitons_and_Quantum_Confinement_12-52.txt | 14.21kB |
04_Week_4-_Nanophotonics/05_Lecture_4.5_Plasmons_10-58.mp4 | 57.90MB |
Type: Course
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