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Join date2013-11-01 17:32:18 (560 weeks ago)
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Type Name Files Added Size DLs
Genetically Enhanced Feature Selection of Discriminative Planetary Crater Image Features 1 2013-11-23 580.96kB 2,4791+ 0
Mars Weekend: A Panel and Games at the Museum of Science Boston 1 2013-11-23 146.90kB 2,0541+ 0
NLCD2006 Land Cover ( 1 2013-11-23 1.08GB 801+ 0
Effectiveness of Cybersecurity Competitions 1 2013-11-25 318.48kB 2,2645+ 0
Test Torrent 3 2017-05-27 19.30MB 12,11735 5
Deep Learning for Computer Vision - Justin Johnson 22 2020-08-10 3.82GB 9,38410+ 0

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