icon for user ventoinhas23

Join date2022-10-20 19:00:27 (127 weeks ago)
Torrent comments0

Uploaded torrents

Type Name Files Added Size DLs
Human Pose Evaluator Dataset 2 2022-10-20 649.31MB 1,5534 0
TV Human Interactions Dataset 3 2022-10-20 163.86MB 1453 0
VGG Human Pose Estimation datasets 8 2022-10-27 293.60GB 893 0
Sculptures 6k dataset 7 2023-02-21 801.37MB 1598 0
Oxford Buildings dataset 8 2023-02-21 4.12GB 2,3342 0
Seeing the Arrow of Time 3 2023-02-21 13.35GB 612 0
Paris Buildings dataset 4 2023-02-21 2.61GB 2532 0

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