icon for user WDOliver

Join date2014-02-18 10:18:34 (544 weeks ago)
Torrent comments0

Uploaded torrents

Type Name Files Added Size DLs
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System 1 2014-02-18 184.29kB 3,27478+ 2
PPCoin: Peer-to-Peer Crypto-Currency with Proof-of-Stake 1 2014-02-18 41.97kB 6003+ 0
Primecoin: Cryptocurrency with Prime Number Proof-of-Work 1 2014-02-18 247.65kB 5493+ 0
Analysis of the Cryptocurrency Marketplace 1 2014-02-23 1.98MB 4,78669+ 2
Purely P2P Crypto-Currency With Finite Mini-Blockchain 1 2014-02-23 208.37kB 1,8131+ 0

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