icon for user devinberg University of Wisconsin - Stout

Join date2017-01-24 20:58:33 (426 weeks ago)
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Type Name Files Added Size DLs
Incorporation of liberal education into the engineering curriculum at a polytechnic 1 2017-01-24 5.63MB 471+ 0
A methodology for exploring, documenting, and improving humanitarian service learning in the university. 1 2017-01-25 241.51kB 7,1225+ 0
Robotics REU in Undergraduate Engineering Research 1 2017-02-04 892.52kB 3342+ 0
Twitter in the engineering classroom 1 2017-02-04 226.95kB 2941+ 0
Use of a Rube Goldberg design project for engineering dynamics 1 2017-02-04 3.86MB 5323+ 0
The relationship between class size and active Twitter participation in the engineering classroom 1 2017-02-04 471.29kB 1273+ 0
Evaluation of student learning outcomes due to self-guided engineering analysis of surroundings 1 2017-02-04 3.94MB 2313+ 0
Experiences with inquiry-based learning in an introductory mechanics course 1 2017-02-04 425.66kB 1412+ 0
Design of a hydraulic dexterous manipulator for minimally invasive surgery 1 2017-02-04 4.20MB 2573+ 0

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