icon for user jphoward University of San Francisco

Join date2018-10-16 12:23:25 (301 weeks ago)
Torrent comments0

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Type Name Files Added Size DLs
CIFAR10 1 2018-10-16 135.11MB 1085+ 0
CIFAR100 1 2018-10-16 169.17MB 1956+ 0
Food-101 1 2018-10-16 5.69GB 2612+ 0
Oxford-IIIT Pet 1 2018-10-16 811.71MB 1046+ 0
MNIST 1 2018-10-16 15.68MB 2876 0
Stanford Cars 1 2018-10-16 1.96GB 4496+ 0
Oxford 102 Flowers 1 2018-10-16 345.24MB 4168+ 0
Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 1 2018-10-16 1.15GB 1815+ 0
Caltech 101 1 2018-10-16 131.74MB 976+ 0
IMDb Large Movie Review Dataset 1 2018-10-16 26.40MB 8804+ 0
Wikitext-103 1 2018-10-16 190.20MB 4107+ 0
Wikitext-2 1 2018-10-16 4.07MB 1522+ 0
WMT 2015 French/English parallel texts 1 2018-10-16 2.60GB 1,5844+ 0
AG News 1 2018-10-16 11.78MB 2192+ 0
Amazon reviews - Full 1 2018-10-16 643.70MB 1,1013+ 0
Amazon reviews - Polarity 1 2018-10-16 688.34MB 1,0882+ 0
DBPedia ontology 1 2018-10-16 68.34MB 1222+ 0
Sogou news 1 2018-10-16 384.27MB 2502+ 0
Yelp reviews - Full 1 2018-10-16 196.15MB 3732+ 1
Yelp reviews - Polarity 1 2018-10-16 166.37MB 4182+ 0
Camvid: Motion-based Segmentation and Recognition Dataset 1 2018-10-16 602.78MB 1337+ 0
PASCAL Visual Object Classes (VOC) 1 2018-10-16 4.64GB 7677+ 0
COCO 2017 10 2018-10-16 52.44GB 1,1027 1

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