Type Name Files Added Size DLs
Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images 15 2021-11-15 73.50GB 3,5529 2
Reading Text in the Wild with Convolutional Neural Networks 1 2021-11-12 10.68GB 34,68427 0
PMC Open Access Subset 16 2020-05-24 84.14GB 2277+ 1
r/WritingPrompts, Text (2018) 1 2019-06-19 87.47MB 3884 0
OpenWebText (Gokaslan's distribution, 2019), GPT-2 Tokenized 395 2019-06-01 16.02GB 2014 0
Flickr8k Dataset 2 2019-03-09 1.12GB 10,53617+ 0
Common Crawl corpus - training-parallel-commoncrawl.tgz (CS-EN, DE-EN, ES-EN, FR-EN, RU-EN) 1 2019-02-04 918.31MB 1133+ 0
UN corpus - training-parallel-un.tgz (ES-EN, FR-EN) 1 2019-02-04 2.37GB 572+ 0
Europarl v7 - training-parallel-europarl-v7.tgz (CS-EN, DE-EN, ES-EN, FR-EN) 1 2019-02-04 657.63MB 462+ 0
Phishing corpus 4555 2019-01-02 37.48MB 9383+ 0
30M Factoid Question-Answer Corpus (30MQA) 2 2018-11-29 529.34MB 3,43310+ 0
Indiana University - Chest X-Rays (XML Reports) 1 2018-11-22 1.11MB 33,11025+ 0
Yelp reviews - Polarity 1 2018-10-16 166.37MB 4182+ 0
Yelp reviews - Full 1 2018-10-16 196.15MB 3732+ 1
Sogou news 1 2018-10-16 384.27MB 2502+ 0
DBPedia ontology 1 2018-10-16 68.34MB 1222+ 0
Amazon reviews - Polarity 1 2018-10-16 688.34MB 1,0882+ 0
Amazon reviews - Full 1 2018-10-16 643.70MB 1,1013+ 0
AG News 1 2018-10-16 11.78MB 2192+ 0
WMT 2015 French/English parallel texts 1 2018-10-16 2.60GB 1,5844+ 0
Wikitext-2 1 2018-10-16 4.07MB 1522+ 0
Wikitext-103 1 2018-10-16 190.20MB 4107+ 0
IMDb Large Movie Review Dataset 1 2018-10-16 26.40MB 8804+ 0
Microsoft Academic Graph - 2016/02/05 1 2016-12-25 28.94GB 2464+ 0
MovieLens 20M Dataset 1 2016-12-16 198.70MB 2,0165+ 0
Sentiment Labelled Sentences Data Set 1 2016-08-26 512.21kB 4993+ 0
Online News Popularity Data Set 1 2016-02-11 7.48MB 3,0575+ 0
Structured Web Data Extraction Dataset (SWDE) 1 2015-11-29 207.31MB 2,7165 0
SMS Spam Collection Data Set 2 2015-11-28 695.38kB 5913+ 0
Enwiki Word2vec model 1000 Dimensions 1 2015-04-09 8.63GB 3,4598 0
Yale YouTube Video Text 1 2014-10-20 434.77MB 4,9726+ 0
Lerman Twitter 2010 Dataset 3 2014-08-15 292.17MB 3,4058+ 0

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