folder (27 files)
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filefmcsinfo-youtube/json/FMCS 101: What Services Does FMCS Provide a New Bargaining Unit? [IRNgRYM5LnY].info.json 429.98kB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/json/FMCS 101: What Is Collective Bargaining Mediation? [2pnzQ5Pt7FI].info.json 427.27kB
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filefmcsinfo-youtube/json/FMCS 101: Public Policy and Negotiated Rulemaking [obqbKHzoJ5E].info.json 428.01kB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/json/FMCS 101: Preparing For Mediation [LdTLlVRPRLM].info.json 427.70kB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/json/FMCS 101: How Does Mediation Work? [BRAmtmL_6X4].info.json 427.28kB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/json/FMCS 101: FMCS Mediators [Olhoh5jU-HE].info.json 427.61kB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/json/FMCS 101: FMCS History and Mission [C3OVLYlLYJ8].info.json 478.83kB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/json/FMCS 101: Employment Mediation [-9CChCCvl1E].info.json 427.31kB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/json/FMCS 101: Building Stronger, More Functional, Labor Management Relationships [k5mY3mQLIYw].info.json 427.97kB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/json/FMCS 101: Arbitration [XTpIa1bNiSM].info.json 427.08kB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/json/FMCS 101: Alternative Bargaining [JxvXSug6Zbg].info.json 427.79kB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS 101: What Services Does FMCS Provide a New Bargaining Unit? [IRNgRYM5LnY].mp4 12.23MB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS 101: What Is Collective Bargaining Mediation? [2pnzQ5Pt7FI].mp4 15.37MB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS101: Training and Conferences [QDxsHwhtJgw].mp4 14.59MB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS 101: Public Policy and Negotiated Rulemaking [obqbKHzoJ5E].mp4 19.71MB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS 101: Preparing For Mediation [LdTLlVRPRLM].mp4 16.49MB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS 101: How Does Mediation Work? [BRAmtmL_6X4].mp4 13.12MB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS 101: FMCS Mediators [Olhoh5jU-HE].mp4 15.53MB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS 101: FMCS History and Mission [C3OVLYlLYJ8].mp4 26.22MB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS 101: Employment Mediation [-9CChCCvl1E].mp4 12.93MB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS 101: Building Stronger, More Functional, Labor Management Relationships [k5mY3mQLIYw].mp4 17.51MB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS 101: Arbitration [XTpIa1bNiSM].mp4 13.29MB
filefmcsinfo-youtube/FMCS 101: Alternative Bargaining [JxvXSug6Zbg].mp4 15.31MB
filedocuments.tar.zst 67.31MB
Type: Dataset
Tags: gov, fmcs

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author= {Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service},
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url= {},
abstract= {Mirror of, all subpages (plain HTML, no images or CSS), zipped up to documents.tar.zst

Includes a copy of the fmcsinfo YouTube channel in videos/

Captured on 2025-03-16},
keywords= {fmcs,gov},
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license= {},
superseded= {}

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