Shape Sensing of Optical Fiber Bragg Gratings Based on Deep Learning
Manavi Roodsari, Samaneh and Huck-Horvath, Antal and Freund, Sara and Zam, Azhar and Rauter, Georg and Schade, Wolfgang and Cattin, Philippe C

folder for_data_repository (3 files)
fileloading_splitting_Data.ipynb 6.02kB
fileCoordinates.csv 93.30MB
fileSpectrum.csv 109.23MB
Type: Dataset
Tags: Supervised deep learning, shape sensing, bending birefringence, bending loss, eccentric FBG, fiber sensor, curvature sensing

title= {Shape Sensing of Optical Fiber Bragg Gratings Based on Deep Learning},
journal= {Machine Learning: Science and Technology},
author= {Manavi Roodsari, Samaneh and Huck-Horvath, Antal and Freund, Sara and Zam, Azhar and Rauter, Georg and Schade, Wolfgang and Cattin, Philippe C},
year= {2023},
url= {},
abstract= {The raw data used to train the designed deep learning model for shape prediction using eFBG fiber sensor.
The Jupyter notebook used for loading and splitting the data is also included.
Alternative download link:},
keywords= {Supervised deep learning, shape sensing, bending birefringence, bending loss, eccentric FBG, fiber sensor, curvature sensing},
terms= {},
license= {},
superseded= {}

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