title= {Collaborative peer production as an alternative to hierarchical internet based business systems},
keywords= {CBPP, internet based business systems},
journal= {},
author= {Ganesh G. and Debanjum Singh Solanky and Govindaraj R},
year= {},
url= {https://arxiv.org/abs/1507.08565},
license= {cc by sa nc},
abstract= {As we move towards more data intensive, device centric global communication networks, our ability to usefully harvest these large datastores is degrading. The widening asymmetry in the explosive growth of data versus our ability to use it, is forcing us towards centralized analytics. This splintered concentration of data further consolidates analytical capabilities in the hands of the few and divides the network into the analysors and the analysed. The fracturing of the system into opaque datastores and analytics blocks creates a strong positive feedback loop and has a significant negative impact on the stability, transparency and freedom of the network. This paper attempted to identify problems associated with the internet, internet dependent business models and reviewing available solutions and discuss possible solutions which became necessary.},
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