CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition 2016
Fei-Fei Li and Andrej Karpathy and Justin Johnson

Info hash46c5af9e2075d9af06f280b55b65cf9b44eb9fe7
Last mirror activity1:46 ago
Size10.73GB (10,730,933,005 bytes)
Added2016-03-27 21:37:32
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CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 10 - Recurrent Neural Networks, Image Captioning, LSTM-yCC09vCHzF8.mkv542.54MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 11 - ConvNets in practice-pA4BsUK3oP4.webm574.89MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 12 - Deep Learning libraries-Vf_-OkqbwPo.webm637.70MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 13 - Segmentation, soft attention, spatial transformers-ByjaPdWXKJ4.webm529.53MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 14 - Videos and Unsupervised Learning-ekyBklxwQMU.webm657.32MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 15 - Invited Talk by Jeff Dean-T7YkPWpwFD4.mkv597.73MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 2 - Data-driven approach, kNN, Linear Classification 1-8inugqHkfvE.mkv541.39MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 3 - Linear Classification 2, Optimization-qlLChbHhbg4.mkv706.90MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 4 - Backpropagation, Neural Networks 1-i94OvYb6noo.mkv610.01MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 5 - Neural Networks Part 2-gYpoJMlgyXA.mkv652.52MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 6 - Neural Networks Part 3 _ Intro to ConvNets-hd_KFJ5ktUc.mkv604.64MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 7 - Convolutional Neural Networks-LxfUGhug-iQ.mkv724.23MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 8 - Localization and Detection-GxZrEKZfW2o.mkv947.56MB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture 9 - Visualization, Deep Dream, Neural Style, Adversarial Examples-ta5fdaqDT3M.mp41.23GB
CS231n Winter 2016 - Lecture1 - Introduction and Historical Context-NfnWJUyUJYU.mp41.17GB
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