Electrical Engineering 123, 001 - Spring 2015 - UC Berkeley
Shimon Michael Lustig

folder electrical-engineering-123-spring2015-ucberkeley (36 files)
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-01-21-6_-ljdxjwac.mkv 220.82MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-01-23-YkDsqLUqJJ4.mkv 121.43MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-01-26-SMPKnoKA0ZA.mkv 119.28MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-01-28-SFgcbVwyRh8.mkv 142.64MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-01-30-O_3iy38Y5OQ.mkv 130.73MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-02-02-e2e9CgbT7C0.mkv 206.82MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-02-06-A95hPKmGFzQ.mkv 177.58MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-02-09-Lk1GsXOZNM8.mkv 180.22MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-02-11-dwllYKHePD8.mkv 241.36MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-02-13-Txo_7491XYE.mkv 231.42MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-02-18-QcEhah5Mm64.mp4 122.11MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-02-23-6rhj7Cx5PgM.mkv 165.40MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-02-25-TnKM94vBDeU.mkv 199.57MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-02-27-lkuknGv8V3c.mp4 103.73MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-03-02-ZAp-ObRnUIU.mkv 142.24MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-03-04-qZAGGj8fXkQ.mkv 133.40MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-03-06-8isEHYTDThA.mkv 209.11MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-03-09-Oz9uc0ofo7M.mkv 161.75MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-03-11-6QpV9o5wlSI.mkv 178.05MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-03-13-4uGU8CUklHE.mp4 236.98MB
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fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-03-18-pUWNG7KgIZY.mkv 386.43MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-03-20 _ LAST MINUTE OF LECTURE NOT AVAILABLE-Ai8TV2iwTGA.mp4 212.32MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-03-30-HRvTtu7DSxQ.mp4 120.31MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-01-ffE1a4l0nT4.mp4 127.02MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-06 _ FIRST 18 MINUTES OF AUDIO NOT AVAILABLE-d0mbo4Dfj7Y.mp4 102.56MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-08-TNe2XEroPrU.mp4 121.71MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-10-WErrndtfII4.mp4 70.38MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-13-aYtSp5YDnwo.mp4 104.25MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-15-R5xhW6h8SMc.mp4 91.83MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-17 _ LAST MIN OF LECTURE NOT AVAILABLE-nwr8dVOH1GU.mp4 102.97MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-20 _ LAST MIN OF LECTURE NOT AVAILABLE-3Ag_B0eNTcw.mp4 131.19MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-22 - Node-Pore Sensing-3ACwBm9Id7A.mkv 336.67MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-24 - How signal processing changes optical imaging-6CQk6d5P5iY.mkv 127.81MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-27-cpFbpT3UWbY.mp4 94.36MB
fileElectrical Engineering 123 - 2015-04-29-WV09Rb_zF-Q.mkv 390.19MB
Type: Course

title= {Electrical Engineering 123, 001 - Spring 2015 - UC Berkeley},
keywords= {},
author= {Shimon Michael Lustig},
abstract= {Catalog Description: (4 units) Discrete time signals and systems: Fourier and Z transforms, DFT, 2-dimensional versions. Digital signal processing topics: flow graphs, realizations, FFT, quantization effects, linear prediction. Digital filter design methods: windowing, frequency sampling, S-to-Z methods, frequency-transformation methods, optimization methods, 2-dimensional filter design.

Prerequisites: EECS 120, or instructor permission.

Course objectives: To develop skills for analyzing and synthesizing algorithms and systems that process discrete time signals, with emphasis on realization and implementation.

Why should you care? Digital signal processing is one of the most important and useful tools an electrical engineer could have. It impacts all modern aspects of life and sciences; from communication, entertainment to health and economics.},
terms= {},
url= {https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ee123/sp15/}

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