Info hash | 77d3798548f7ea65943c4b08bf3167329c18fa49 |
Last mirror activity | 0:49 ago |
Size | 640.28MB (640,275,891 bytes) |
Added | 2017-03-05 01:25:27 |
Views | 1262 |
Hits | 4660 |
ID | 3633 |
Type | multi |
Downloaded | 4250 time(s) |
Uploaded by | pj |
Folder | mrifundamentals-001 |
Num files | 50 files [See full list] |
Mirrors | 12 complete, 0 downloading = 12 mirror(s) total [Log in to see full list] |
mrifundamentals-001 (50 files)
01_Week_1/01_1-1_MRI_as_one_of_the_biomedical_imaging_modalities.mp4 | 18.49MB |
01_Week_1/02_1-2_History_of_MRI.mp4 | 4.70MB |
01_Week_1/03_1-3_Three_major_hardware_components_of_MRI.mp4 | 14.15MB |
01_Week_1/04_1-4_MRI_magnet.mp4 | 11.70MB |
01_Week_1/05_1-5_Radio_Frequency_coils.mp4 | 7.30MB |
01_Week_1/06_1-6_Gradient_coils.mp4 | 9.88MB |
01_Week_1/07_1-7_MRI_safety_and_summary.mp4 | 6.33MB |
02_Week_2/01_2-1_Microscopic_MRI.mp4 | 8.72MB |
02_Week_2/02_2-2_Protons_in_Magnetic_Field.mp4 | 10.64MB |
02_Week_2/03_2-3_Net_Magnetization_and_Larmor_Frequency.mp4 | 12.54MB |
02_Week_2/04_2-4_Magnetic_Resonance.mp4 | 22.12MB |
02_Week_2/05_2-5_Flip_Angle_and_Relaxation.mp4 | 24.98MB |
02_Week_2/06_2-6_Summary.mp4 | 6.10MB |
03_Week_3/01_3-1_Fourier_transform_and_MR_images.mp4 | 30.58MB |
03_Week_3/02_3-2_Properties_of_Fourier_transform.mp4 | 12.01MB |
03_Week_3/03_3-3_Basic_signal_functions.mp4 | 24.52MB |
03_Week_3/04_3-4_Sampling.mp4 | 18.63MB |
03_Week_3/05_3-5_Nyquist_sampling_theorem.mp4 | 24.24MB |
04_Week4/01_4-1_How_to_sequence_gradient_pulses_to_get_an_image.mp4 | 9.09MB |
04_Week4/02_4-2_Slice_Selection.mp4 | 25.51MB |
04_Week4/03_4-3_K-space.mp4 | 22.66MB |
04_Week4/04_4-4_Frequency_Encoding.mp4 | 24.36MB |
04_Week4/05_4-5_Phase_Encoding.mp4 | 20.35MB |
05_Week5/01_5-1_Gradient_Echo_and_Spin_Echo_Imaging.mp4 | 27.46MB |
05_Week5/02_5-2_Contrast_Mechanism_in_Spin_Echo_Imaging.mp4 | 33.78MB |
05_Week5/03_5-3_Contrast_Mechanism_in_Gradient_Echo_Imaging.mp4 | 28.71MB |
05_Week5/04_5-4_Field_of_View.mp4 | 19.02MB |
05_Week5/05_5-5_Resolution.mp4 | 10.51MB |
06_Week6/01_6-1_2D_and_3D_Imaging.mp4 | 27.67MB |
06_Week6/02_6-2_Gradient_Echo_Imaging.mp4 | 26.80MB |
06_Week6/03_6-3_Spin_Echo_Imaging_and_Fast_Spin_Echo_Imaging.mp4 | 40.45MB |
06_Week6/04_6-4_Echo_Planar_Imaging.mp4 | 33.28MB |
06_Week6/05_6-5_Non-Cartesian_Imaging.mp4 | 15.21MB |
06_Week6/06_6-6_Summary_of_the_Entire_Course.mp4 | 5.39MB |
Announcements.html | 45.73kB |
DiscussionForums.html | 61.39kB |
GradingandLogistics.html | 39.48kB |
NoticeaboutQuiz.html | 41.50kB |
QuickQuestions15.html | 54.03kB |
Quizzes.html | 52.90kB |
Quizzes/0_Quiz_1/0_Quiz_1.html | 71.00kB |
Quizzes/1_Quiz_2/1_Quiz_2.html | 197.64kB |
Quizzes/2_Quiz_3/2_Quiz_3.html | 98.43kB |
Quizzes/3_Quiz_4/3_Quiz_4.html | 89.94kB |
Quizzes/4_Quiz_5/4_Quiz_5.html | 82.35kB |
Quizzes/5_Quiz_6/5_Quiz_6.html | 90.31kB |
Syllabus.html | 41.50kB |
assignment_home.html | 32.73kB |
course_home.html | 45.74kB |
Type: Course
Tags: Coursera, mrifundamentals
Tags: Coursera, mrifundamentals
@article{, title = {[Coursera] MRI Fundamentals (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) (mrifundamentals)}, author = {Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology} }