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Join date2017-03-04 22:35:33 (420 weeks ago)
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Type Name Files Added Size DLs
[Coursera] Artificial Intelligence Planning (The University of Edinburgh) (aiplan) 357 2017-03-05 1.04GB 10,83822 0
[Coursera] Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1 (Stanford University) (algo) 532 2017-03-05 1.95GB 18,89132+ 0
[Coursera] Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2 (Stanford University) (algo2) 584 2017-03-05 1.98GB 14,29723+ 0
[Coursera] Algorithms, Part I (Princeton University) (algs4partI) 277 2017-03-05 1.21GB 6,75615 1
[Coursera] Algorithms, Part II (Princeton University) (algs4partII) 308 2017-03-05 1.66GB 6,60016 1
[Coursera] Analysis of Algorithms (Princeton University) (aofa) 163 2017-03-05 2.03GB 6,20911 0
[Coursera] Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (The University of Edinburgh) (astrobio) 166 2017-03-05 827.70MB 2,53314 0
[Coursera] Automata (Stanford University) (automata) 171 2017-03-05 876.35MB 4,27412 0
[Coursera] Web Intelligence and Big Data (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi) (bigdata) 359 2017-03-05 1.19GB 2,77814 0
[Coursera] The Caltech-JPL Summer School on Big Data Analytics (Caltech) (bigdataschool) 231 2017-03-05 2.18GB 4,82218 0
[Coursera] Bioinformatics: Life Sciences on Your Computer (Johns Hopkins University) (bioinform) 165 2017-03-05 498.20MB 2,45412 0
[Coursera] Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies (Princeton University) (bitcointech) 266 2017-03-05 1.90GB 12,22910 1
[Coursera] Computer Architecture (Princeton University) (comparch) 538 2017-03-05 3.54GB 2,35612+ 0
[Coursera] Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics (University of Washington) (compfinance) 441 2017-03-05 4.15GB 8,94027+ 0
[Coursera] Compilers (Stanford University) (compilers) 528 2017-03-05 1.32GB 5,35933+ 1
[Coursera] Computational Methods for Data Analysis (University of Washington) (compmethods) 438 2017-03-05 3.75GB 8,65612+ 0
[Coursera] Computational Neuroscience (University of Washington) (compneuro) 236 2017-03-05 1.00GB 5,10911 0
[Coursera] Galaxies and Cosmology (Caltech) (cosmo) 381 2017-03-05 1.84GB 2,04115 0
[Coursera] Introduction to Data Science (University of Washington) (datasci) 429 2017-03-05 1.46GB 41,05139 0
[Coursera] Digital Signal Processing (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) (dsp) 395 2017-03-05 1.47GB 3,82712 0
[Coursera] Principles of Economics for Scientists (Caltech) (econ1scientists) 586 2017-03-05 1.72GB 1,59611+ 0
[Coursera] Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity (Stanford University) (einstein) 878 2017-03-05 8.61GB 1,80113+ 1
[Coursera] Exploring Quantum Physics (University of Maryland, College Park) (eqp) 268 2017-03-05 1.74GB 1,80010 0
[Coursera] Game Theory (Stanford University & The University of British Columbia) (gametheory) 301 2017-03-05 2.99GB 21,11135 0
[Coursera] Game Theory II: Advanced Applications (Stanford University) (gametheory2) 178 2017-03-05 2.25GB 9,51521 0
[Coursera] Genes and the Human Condition (From Behavior to Biotechnology) (University of Maryland, College Park) (genes) 150 2017-03-05 1.88GB 2,19711 0
[Coursera] Genomic and Precision Medicine (University of California, San Francisco) (genomicmedicine) 184 2017-03-05 1.05GB 2,91312 0
[Coursera] Heterogeneous Parallel Programming (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) (hetero) 363 2017-03-05 1.48GB 1,28912 0
[Coursera] The Hardware/Software Interface (University of Washington) (hwswinterface) 363 2017-03-05 1.44GB 3,01011 0
[Coursera] Introduction to Logic (Stanford University) (intrologic) 347 2017-03-05 258.93MB 15,37119 0
[Coursera] Introduction to Philosophy (The University of Edinburgh) (introphil) 126 2017-03-05 803.54MB 16,39431 0
[Coursera] Logic: Language and Information 1 (The University of Melbourne) (logic1) 203 2017-03-05 861.92MB 8,77311 0
[Coursera] Machine Learning (University of Washington) (machlearning) 115 2017-03-05 5.65GB 6,70517 2
[Coursera] Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance (University of Washington) (mathematicalmethods) 301 2017-03-05 1.68GB 5,60716 0
[Coursera] Machine Learning (Stanford University) (ml) 376 2017-03-05 1.59GB 330,981170+ 4
[Coursera] Mining Massive Datasets (Stanford University) (mmds) 432 2017-03-05 2.57GB 3,58416 0
[Coursera] Model Thinking (University of Michigan) (modelthinking) 564 2017-03-05 2.34GB 23,90926+ 0
[Coursera] MRI Fundamentals (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) (mrifundamentals) 50 2017-03-05 640.28MB 4,36312 0
[Coursera] Fundamentals of Music Theory (The University of Edinburgh) (musictheory) 172 2017-03-05 1.82GB 17,63857 3
[Coursera] Nanotechnology: The Basics (Rice University) (nanotech) 229 2017-03-05 2.39GB 9,19014 0
[Coursera] Neural Networks for Machine Learning (University of Toronto) (neuralnets) 378 2017-03-05 1.03GB 20,83034 0
[Coursera] Natural Language Processing (Columbia University) (nlangp) 440 2017-03-05 1.22GB 9,62513+ 0
[Coursera] Natural Language Processing (Stanford University) (nlp) 503 2017-03-05 1.34GB 63,25050+ 0
[Coursera] Introduction to Natural Language Processing (University of Michigan) (nlpintro) 325 2017-03-05 1.92GB 18,46021 0
[Coursera] Discrete Optimization (The University of Melbourne) (optimization) 259 2017-03-05 3.67GB 3,61012 0
[Coursera] Introduction to Quantum Optics (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)) (qoptintro) 174 2017-03-05 792.55MB 1,93710 0
[Coursera] Recommender Systems (University of Minnesota) (recsys) 194 2017-03-05 2.13GB 16,20314 0
[Coursera] High Performance Scientific Computing (University of Washington) (scicomp) 620 2017-03-05 2.91GB 2,75412+ 0
[Coursera] Scientific Computing (University of Washington) (scientificcomp) 532 2017-03-05 3.93GB 3,77113+ 0
[Coursera] Social Network Analysis (University of Michigan) (sna) 239 2017-03-05 1.09GB 4,76518 0
[Coursera] Sports and Building Aerodynamics (Eindhoven University of Technology) (spobuildaerodynamics) 220 2017-03-05 1.44GB 1,14312 0
[Coursera] VLSI CAD: Logic to Layout (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) (vlsicad) 342 2017-03-05 1.57GB 2,80013 0

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