McGue, Matt - Behavioral Genetics (MP3 only - full course) - University of Minnesota
Matt McGue

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FolderMcGue, Matt - Behavioral Genetics (MP3 only - full course) - University of Minnesota
Num files136 files
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0001 Topic 1: Module A-Nature-Nurture.mp310.40MB
0002 Topic 1: Module B-Charles Darwin.mp318.46MB
0003 Topic 1: Module C-Francis Galton.mp316.66MB
0004 Topic 1: Module D-The Eugenics Movement.mp324.51MB
0005 Topic 1: Module E-Eugenics and the Downfall of Early Behavioral Genetics.mp320.27MB
0006 Topic 1: Module F-What is Behavioral Genetics.mp38.52MB
0007 Topic 2: Module A-Mendelian Inheritance.mp311.20MB
0008 Topic 2: Module B-Some Terminology.mp312.25MB
0009 Topic 2: Module C-Mitosis and Meiosis.mp315.32MB
0010 Topic 2: Module D-Phenylketonuria (PKU).mp329.87MB
0011 Topic 2: Module E-Huntington Disease - A Neurodegenerative Disorder.mp319.39MB
0012 Topic 2: Module F-Huntington Disease - Uncovering its Genetic Origins.mp322.78MB
0013 Topic 2: Module G-Lesch-Nyhan Disease.mp318.42MB
0014 Topic 3: Module A-DNA.mp311.27MB
0015 Topic 3: Module B-Transcription and Translation.mp38.27MB
0016 Topic 3: Module C-The Human Genome Project (HGP).mp313.69MB
0017 Topic 3: Module D-Structure and Function of (Protein-Coding) Genes.mp311.02MB
0018 Topic 3: Module E-The Nature of Human Genetic Variation.mp39.41MB
0019 Topic 3: Module F-Types of Genetic Variation. I - SNPs.mp312.10MB
0020 Topic 3: Module G-Types of Genetic Variation. II - Differences.mp317.67MB
0021 Topic 3: Module H-Williams Syndrome.mp333.60MB
0022 Topic 4: Module A-Overview and the Concept of Genetic Regulation.mp312.64MB
0023 Topic 4: Module B-X Chromosome Inactivation.mp311.56MB
0024 Topic 4: Module C-Prader-Willi Syndrome.mp310.79MB
0025 Topic 4: Module D-Angelman Syndrome.mp39.06MB
0026 Topic 4: Module E-Imprinting.mp316.33MB
0027 Topic 4: Module F-Epigenetics.mp317.92MB
0028 Topic 4: Module G-Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD).mp321.20MB
0029 Topic 4: Module H-Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma.mp315.59MB
0030 Topic 4: Module I-Intergenerational Transmission of Fear.mp315.52MB
0031 Topic 5: Module A-Conventional Cytogenetics.mp37.64MB
0032 Topic 5: Module B-Aneuploidy.mp314.52MB
0033 Topic 5: Module C-Down Syndrome.mp318.36MB
0034 Topic 5: Module D-Sex chromosome aneuploidies 47,XYY and 47,XXY.mp319.10MB
0035 Topic 5: Module E-Sex chromosome aneuploidies 47,XXX and 45,X.mp315.13MB
0036 Topic 5: Module F-Fragile X.mp324.00MB
0037 Topic 6: Module A-Sex and Gender.mp328.61MB
0038 Topic 6: Module B-Sexual Selection and the Origins of Biological Sex.mp313.31MB
0039 Topic 6: Module C-Organizational and Activational Effects.mp314.58MB
0040 Topic 6: Module D-Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome.mp315.53MB
0041 Topic 6: Module E-Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.mp332.90MB
0042 Topic 6: Module F-Optimal Gender Policy and David Reimer.mp338.77MB
0043 Topic 7: Module A-Polygenic and Multifactorial Inheritance.mp322.57MB
0044 Topic 7: Module B-Biometric Decomposition.mp317.42MB
0045 Topic 7: Module C-Heritability.mp320.31MB
0046 Topic 7: Module D-Biometric Analysis of Familial Resemblance.mp320.10MB
0047 Topic 7: Module E-Gene-environment Interaction.mp320.68MB
0048 Topic 7: Module F-Gene-environment Correlation.mp314.06MB
0049 Topic 7: Module G-Background MAO-A and Violence.mp314.09MB
0050 Topic 8: Module A-The Classical Twin Study (CTS).mp318.33MB
0051 Topic 8: Module B-Why Do Twins Occur.mp325.62MB
0052 Topic 8: Module C-Key Assumptions of the CTS.mp332.33MB
0053 Topic 8: Module D-Biometric Formulation of the CTS.mp317.69MB
0054 Topic 8: Module E-Adoption Studies - Rationale and Feasibility.mp319.10MB
0055 Topic 8: Module F-Adoption Studies - Drawing Environmental Inferences.mp316.35MB
0056 Topic 8: Module G-Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart (MISTRA).mp318.97MB
0057 Topic 9: Module A-What is Intellectual Disability (ID).mp317.89MB
0058 Topic 9: Module B-Anomalies in the Distribution of ID.mp315.80MB
0059 Topic 9: Module C-The Two-Group Model of ID.mp330.60MB
0060 Topic 9: Module D-Males are at greater risk for ID than females.mp325.41MB
0061 Topic 9: Module E-Apparent maternal effect on ID risk.mp322.85MB
0062 Topic 10: Module A-Gene-Environment Interplay.mp323.60MB
0063 Topic 10: Module B-Importance of the Non-Shared Environment.mp313.95MB
0064 Topic 10: Module C-Three Laws of Behavioral Genetics.mp317.80MB
0065 Topic 10: Module D-The Importance of a Developmental Perspective.mp317.37MB
0066 Topic 19: Module E-The Challenge of Establishing Parenting Effects.mp316.34MB
0067 Topic 11: Module A-What is schizophrenia.mp327.33MB
0068 Topic 11: Module B-Clinical epidemiology of schizophrenia.mp334.99MB
0069 Topic 11: Module C-Twin and adoption studies of schizophrenia.mp324.55MB
0070 Topic 11: Module D-The multifactorial (threshold) model of schizophrenia.mp317.52MB
0071 Topic 11: Module E-Linkage Analysis I.mp323.82MB
0072 Topic 11: Module F-Linkage Analysis II.mp331.89MB
0073 Topic 12: Module A-Positional Cloning.mp319.65MB
0074 Topic 12: Module B-Candidate-gene approach.mp327.22MB
0075 Topic 12: Module C-Linkage Disequilibrium.mp317.03MB
0076 Topic 12: Module D-Logic of GWAS.mp327.27MB
0077 Topic 12: Module E-GWAS of Schizophrenia.mp327.80MB
0078 Topic 12: Module F-Rare Variants - Schizophrenia Risk.mp334.88MB
0079 Topic 12: Module G-Environmental - Schizophrenia Risk.mp325.41MB
0080 Topic 12: Module H-Schizophrenia Summary.mp34.55MB
0081 Topic 13: Module A-Genetic Architecture.mp321.50MB
0082 Topic 13: Module B-Missing Heritability.mp320.97MB
0083 Topic 13: Module C-The Pervasive Existence of Pleiotropy.mp316.38MB
0084 Topic 13: Module D -The Clinical Utility of GWAS Results.mp323.02MB
0085 Topic 13: Module E - Race, Ethnicity and Ancestry.mp316.28MB
0086 Topic 13: Module F - Human Population Genetic Differences.mp326.29MB
0087 Topic 13: Module G - Population Stratification.mp329.71MB
0088 Topic 13: Module H - Genetics and Health Disparities.mp320.51MB
0089 Topic 14: Module A-What are mood disorders.mp325.81MB
0090 Topic 14: Module B-Clinical epidemiology of mood disorders.mp316.53MB
0091 Topic 14: Module C-Twin and adoption studies of mood disorders.mp321.71MB
0092 Topic 14: Module D-GWAS, Pleiotropy and mood disorders.mp330.66MB
0093 Topic 14: Module E-Gender difference in Major Depressive Disorder.mp319.71MB
0094 Topic 14: Module F-The most famous GxE for a psychiatric disorder.mp323.09MB
0095 Topic 14: Module G-The 5-HTTLPR x Stress Interaction in Depression.mp324.52MB
0096 Topic 15: Module A-What is ADHD.mp324.99MB
0097 Topic 15: Module B-The Genetics of ADHD.mp316.30MB
0098 Topic 15: Module C-Environmental contributions to ADHD risk.mp322.52MB
0099 Topic 15: Module D-The Dopamine Model of ADHD and Candidate Genes.mp328.11MB
0100 Topic 15: Module E-Sex Difference in ADHD Risk.mp310.79MB
0101 Topic 16: Module A-What is alcoholism.mp321.01MB
0102 Topic 16: Module B-Genetics of Alcoholism.mp320.46MB
0103 Topic 16: Module C-ALDH and ADH.mp335.87MB
0104 Topic 16: Module D-Alcohol Sensitivity and the Endophenotype Approach.mp318.36MB
0105 Topic 17: Module A-Big Picture - What Have We Learned.mp319.26MB
0106 Topic 17: Module B-Prospects - Where Does This All Lead.mp330.00MB
Reviews Session.pdf566.69kB
Topic 1 - Historical Background.pdf3.35MB
Topic 1 Discussion Print.pdf178.83kB
Topic 10 - Nature of Environmental Influence - Print.pdf936.05kB
Topic 11 - Discussion.pdf490.85kB
Topic 11 - Schizophrenia - Clinical Genetics - print.pdf1.42MB
Topic 12 - Discussion-R.pdf413.14kB
Topic 12 Schizophrenia - Identifying Genetics-Print.pdf2.91MB
Topic 13 - Discussion.pdf720.19kB
Topic 13 - Polygenic Model of Psychiatric Illness-Print.pdf2.02MB
Topic 14 - Discussion.pdf1.47MB
Topic 14 - Mood Disorders Print.pdf1.43MB
Topic 15 - ADHD Print.pdf1.39MB
Topic 15 - Discussion.pdf871.11kB
Topic 16 - Alcoholism -print.pdf1.30MB
Topic 17 - Conclusion - Print.pdf699.54kB
Topic 2 - Discussion - Predictive Genetic Testing Print.pdf476.64kB
Topic 2 - Mendelian Inheritance Print.pdf3.12MB
Topic 3 Gene Function and Structure.pdf3.35MB
Topic 4 Genetic Regulation and Epigenetics Print.pdf3.10MB
Topic 5 Cytogenetics_print.pdf1.33MB
Topic 6 - Discussion.pdf493.12kB
Topic 6 Sex and Gender_print.pdf3.24MB
Topic 7 - Discussion.pdf670.83kB
Topic 7 Quantitative Genetics and Heritability Print.pdf1.52MB
Topic 8 - Discussion.pdf477.88kB
Topic 8 - Twin and Adoption Studies_print.pdf2.05MB
Topic 9 - Intellectual Disability Print.pdf914.95kB
URL - Link - Behavioral Genetics - University of Minnesota Course Material PSY 5137 - Fall 2020.jpg125.27kB
URL - Link - Behavioral Genetics - University of Minnesota Course Material PSY 5137 - Fall 2020.txt0.07kB
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