Type: Dataset
Tags: insect, bioacoustics, acoustics, insectset, orthoptera, cicadidae
Tags: insect, bioacoustics, acoustics, insectset, orthoptera, cicadidae
@article{, title= {InsectSet459 (v1, TrainVal): A large dataset for automatic acoustic identification of insects (Orthoptera and Cicadidae)}, journal= {}, author= {Marius Faiß and Dan Stowell}, year= {}, url= {}, abstract= {In 2024, the public animal sound database xeno-canto has seen a dramatic increase in insect sound recordings. This is due to the publication of several large collections of field and laboratory recordings from insect sound experts, as well as increased adoption of citizen scientists uploading their insect sound observations to the website. We used this opportunity to expand our previously published datasets (InsectSet32, InsectSet47&InsectSet66) to compile the first large-scale dataset of insect sounds that is easy to use for training deep learning methods to detect and classify insect sounds in the wild. }, keywords= {acoustics, bioacoustics, insect, insectset, orthoptera, cicadidae}, terms= {}, license= {https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/}, superseded= {} }