Behavioral Genetics (Video only - full course) - Matt McGue - University of Minnesota (122 files)
URL - Link - Behavioral Genetics - University of Minnesota Course Material PSY 5137 - Fall 2020.txt | 0.07kB |
URL - Link - Behavioral Genetics - University of Minnesota Course Material PSY 5137 - Fall 2020.jpg | 125.27kB |
Topic #9 Intellectual Disability (ID)/Topic 9: Module E-Apparent maternal effect on ID risk.mp4 | 255.01MB |
Topic #9 Intellectual Disability (ID)/Topic 9: Module D-Males are at greater risk for ID than females.mp4 | 280.33MB |
Topic #9 Intellectual Disability (ID)/Topic 9: Module C-The Two-Group Model of ID.mp4 | 346.64MB |
Topic #9 Intellectual Disability (ID)/Topic 9: Module B-Anomalies in the Distribution of ID.mp4 | 181.36MB |
Topic #9 Intellectual Disability (ID)/Topic 9: Module A-What is Intellectual Disability (ID).mp4 | 194.40MB |
Topic #8 Twin and Adoption Study Designs/Topic 8: Module G-Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart (MISTRA).mp4 | 210.67MB |
Topic #8 Twin and Adoption Study Designs/Topic 8: Module F-Adoption Studies - Drawing Environmental Inferences.mp4 | 185.46MB |
Topic #8 Twin and Adoption Study Designs/Topic 8: Module E-Adoption Studies - Rationale and Feasibility.mp4 | 212.80MB |
Topic #8 Twin and Adoption Study Designs/Topic 8: Module D-Biometric Formulation of the CTS.mp4 | 204.68MB |
Topic #8 Twin and Adoption Study Designs/Topic 8: Module C-Key Assumptions of the CTS.mp4 | 365.74MB |
Topic #8 Twin and Adoption Study Designs/Topic 8: Module B-Why Do Twins Occur.mp4 | 298.24MB |
Topic #8 Twin and Adoption Study Designs/Topic 8: Module A-The Classical Twin Study (CTS).mp4 | 204.36MB |
Topic #7 Quantitative Genetics and Multifactorial Inheritance/Topic 7: Module G-Background MAO-A and Violence.mp4 | 160.79MB |
Topic #7 Quantitative Genetics and Multifactorial Inheritance/Topic 7: Module F-Gene-environment Correlation.mp4 | 151.00MB |
Topic #7 Quantitative Genetics and Multifactorial Inheritance/Topic 7: Module E-Gene-environment Interaction.mp4 | 238.75MB |
Topic #7 Quantitative Genetics and Multifactorial Inheritance/Topic 7: Module D-Biometric Analysis of Familial Resemblance.mp4 | 227.45MB |
Topic #7 Quantitative Genetics and Multifactorial Inheritance/Topic 7: Module C-Heritability.mp4 | 230.78MB |
Topic #7 Quantitative Genetics and Multifactorial Inheritance/Topic 7: Module B-Biometric Decomposition.mp4 | 190.22MB |
Topic #7 Quantitative Genetics and Multifactorial Inheritance/Topic 7: Module A-Polygenic, Oligogenic and Multifactorial Inheritance.mp4 | 255.67MB |
Topic #6 Sex, Gender and CAH/Topic 6: Module F-Optimal Gender Policy and David Reimer.mp4 | 452.33MB |
Topic #6 Sex, Gender and CAH/Topic 6: Module E-Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.mp4 | 367.22MB |
Topic #6 Sex, Gender and CAH/Topic 6: Module D-Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome.mp4 | 184.77MB |
Topic #6 Sex, Gender and CAH/Topic 6: Module C-Organizational and Activational Effects.mp4 | 133.17MB |
Topic #6 Sex, Gender and CAH/Topic 6: Module B-Sexual Selection and the Origins of Biological Sex.mp4 | 148.24MB |
Topic #6 Sex, Gender and CAH/Topic 6: Module A-Sex and Gender.mp4 | 331.42MB |
Topic #6 Sex, Gender and CAH/Reimer on Oprah.wmv | 54.40MB |
Topic #6 Sex, Gender and CAH/gender_dev-day3-2.wmv | 48.40MB |
Topic #6 Sex, Gender and CAH/David-Money Intervention.wmv | 10.31MB |
Topic #6 Sex, Gender and CAH/Clip_of_Growing_up_intersex_(Source).mp4 | 13.62MB |
Topic #5 Cytogenetics/Topic 5: Module F-Fragile X.mp4 | 279.34MB |
Topic #5 Cytogenetics/Topic 5: Module E-Sex chromosome aneuploidies 47,XXX and 45,X.mp4 | 167.66MB |
Topic #5 Cytogenetics/Topic 5: Module D-Sex chromosome aneuploidies 47,XYY and 47,XXY.mp4 | 210.10MB |
Topic #5 Cytogenetics/Topic 5: Module C-Down Syndrome.mp4 | 203.12MB |
Topic #5 Cytogenetics/Topic 5: Module B-Aneuploidy.mp4 | 164.29MB |
Topic #5 Cytogenetics/Topic 5: Module A-Conventional Cytogenetics.mp4 | 88.25MB |
Topic #5 Cytogenetics/Fragile-X Syndrome.mp4 | 7.67MB |
Topic #4 Genetic Regulation & Epigenetics/Topic 4: Module I-Intergenerational Transmission of Fear.mp4 | 176.08MB |
Topic #4 Genetic Regulation & Epigenetics/Topic 4: Module H-Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma.mp4 | 170.46MB |
Topic #4 Genetic Regulation & Epigenetics/Topic 4: Module G-Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD).mp4 | 230.17MB |
Topic #4 Genetic Regulation & Epigenetics/Topic 4: Module F-Epigenetics.mp4 | 194.75MB |
Topic #4 Genetic Regulation & Epigenetics/Topic 4: Module E-Imprinting.mp4 | 182.28MB |
Topic #4 Genetic Regulation & Epigenetics/Topic 4: Module D-Angelman Syndrome.mp4 | 104.21MB |
Topic #4 Genetic Regulation & Epigenetics/Topic 4: Module C-Prader-Willi Syndrome.mp4 | 123.75MB |
Topic #4 Genetic Regulation & Epigenetics/Topic 4: Module B-X Chromosome Inactivation.mp4 | 128.76MB |
Topic #4 Genetic Regulation & Epigenetics/Topic 4: Module A-Overview and the Concept of Genetic Regulation.mp4 | 138.95MB |
Topic #4 Genetic Regulation & Epigenetics/Prader-Willi Syndrome.mp4 | 6.85MB |
Topic #4 Genetic Regulation & Epigenetics/Angelman Syndrome.mp4 | 18.19MB |
Too many files! Click here to view them all. |
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