MIT OCW 18.03 - Mathematics - Differential Equations
Haynes Miller and Arthur Mattuck

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Added2015-01-23 21:19:37
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FolderMIT OCW - Mathematics -Differential Equations
Num files33 files
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1. The Geometrical View of y'=f(x,y).mp4210.16MB
2. Euler's Numerical Method.mp4217.75MB
3. Solving First-order Linear ODEs.mp4214.87MB
4. First-order Substitution Methods.mp4114.19MB
5. First-order Autonomous ODEs.mp4194.65MB
6. Complex Numbers and Complex Exponentials.mp4176.58MB
7. First-order Linear with Constant Coefficients.mp4176.58MB
8. Continuation.mp4217.25MB
9. Solving Second-order Linear ODE's with Constant Coefficients.mp4214.87MB
10. Continuation, Complex Characteristic Roots.mp4199.52MB
11. Theory of General Second-order Linear Homogeneous ODEs.mp4111.00MB
12. Continuation, General Theory for Inhomogeneous ODEs.mp4199.19MB
13. Finding Particular Sto Inhomogeneous ODEs.mp4205.33MB
14. Interpretation of the Exceptional Case Resonance.mp4191.00MB
15. Introduction to Fourier Series.mp4212.58MB
16. Continuation, More General Periods.mp4212.44MB
17. Finding Particular Solutions via Fourier Series.mp4196.42MB
19. Introduction to the Laplace Transform.mp4204.59MB
20. Derivative Formulas.mp4219.04MB
21. Convolution Formula.mp4190.59MB
22. Using Laplace Transform to Solve ODEs with Discontinuous Inputs.mp4190.59MB
23. Use with Impulse Inputs.mp4192.91MB
24. Introduction to First-order Systems of ODEs.mp4202.36MB
25. Homogeneous Linear Systems with Constant Coefficients.mp4210.65MB
26. Continuation, Repeated Real Eigenvalues.mp4200.03MB
27. Sketching Solutions of 2x2 Homogeneous Linear System with Constant Coefficients.mp4216.26MB
28. Matrix Methods for Inhomogeneous Systems.mp4201.47MB
29. Matrix Exponentials.mp4210.05MB
30. Decoupling Linear Systems with Constant Coefficients.mp4202.55MB
31. Non-linear Autonomous Systems.mp4202.39MB
32. Limit Cycles.mp4196.69MB
33. Relation Between Non-linear Systems and First-order ODEs.mp4214.74MB
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