Name | DL | Torrents | Total Size | I [edit] | 20 | 171.79GB | 159 | 0 | Spatial Datasets [edit] | 33 | 859.23GB | 147 | 0 |
![]() | 52.75MB |
Type: Dataset
Tags: Dataset
Tags: Dataset
@article{, title= {TNC - Terrestrial Ecoregions}, journal= {}, author= {The Nature Conservancy}, year= {2009}, url= {}, abstract= {This is the master spatial data layer for TNC's terrestrial ecoregions of the world, exported from the geodatabase listed above. Note that it includes Mangroves, Inland Water, and Rock and Ice MHTs, although they are not being handled by terrestrial assessments. This layer is based on WWF's ecoregions outside the United States, and loosely based on Bailey's ecoregions (from the USDA Forest Service) within the United States. terr-ecoregions-TNC: tnc_terr_ecoregions.dbf tnc_terr_ecoregions.lyr tnc_terr_ecoregions.prj tnc_terr_ecoregions.sbn tnc_terr_ecoregions.sbx tnc_terr_ecoregions.shp tnc_terr_ecoregions.shp.xml tnc_terr_ecoregions.shx}, keywords= {Dataset}, terms= {} }