Porphyrin-Sensitized Solar Cells with Cobalt (II/III)–Based Redox Electrolyte Exceed 12 Percent Efficiency
1 |
2015-11-29 |
485.58kB |
1 | |
1 |
Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People
1 |
2015-11-29 |
425.08kB |
1,845 | 6+ |
0 |
Effectiveness and Safety of Tenofovir Gel, an Antiretroviral Microbicide, for the Prevention of HIV Infection in Women
1 |
2015-11-29 |
836.68kB |
2 | |
1 |
Lipid Rafts As a Membrane-Organizing Principle
1 |
2015-11-29 |
694.81kB |
8 | |
0 |
Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part-Based Models
1 |
2015-11-29 |
5.77MB |
4 | |
1 |
Evaluating Color Descriptors for Object and Scene Recognition
1 |
2015-11-29 |
3.30MB |
8 | |
1 |
Accurate, Dense, and Robust Multiview Stereopsis
1 |
2015-11-29 |
6.41MB |
3 | |
1 |
Contour Detection and Hierarchical Image Segmentation
1 |
2015-11-29 |
5.68MB |
12 | |
2 |
SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel Methods
1 |
2015-11-29 |
4.25MB |
8 | |
0 |
Guided Image Filtering
1 |
2015-11-29 |
8.55MB |
7 | |
1 |
Image Super-Resolution Via Sparse Representation
1 |
2015-11-29 |
1.85MB |
2 | |
0 |
The Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) Challenge
1 |
2015-11-29 |
8.56MB |
7 | |
1 |
Improving Bag-of-Features for Large Scale Image Search
1 |
2015-11-29 |
4.73MB |
5 | |
0 |
Extreme Learning Machine for Regression and Multiclass Classification
1 |
2015-11-29 |
1.27MB |
249 | |
1 |
Second-Order Consensus for Multiagent Systems With Directed Topologies and Nonlinear Dynamics
1 |
2015-11-29 |
326.66kB |
2 | |
4 |
Global Synchronization for Discrete-Time Stochastic Complex Networks With Randomly Occurred Nonlinearities and Mixed Time Delays
1 |
2015-11-29 |
923.80kB |
9 | |
1 |
OP-ELM: Optimally Pruned Extreme Learning Machine
1 |
2015-11-29 |
265.73kB |
6 | |
1 |
Automatic detection of sub-km craters in high resolution planetary images
1 |
2015-12-11 |
5.07MB |
68 | |
0 |
Context-Aware Saliency Detection
1 |
2016-03-30 |
2.78MB |
4 | |
0 |
Pedestrian Detection: An Evaluation of the State of the Art
1 |
2016-03-30 |
3.57MB |
4 | |
3 |
1 |
2016-03-30 |
2.80MB |
122 | |
1 |
Faster and Better: A Machine Learning Approach to Corner Detection
1 |
2016-03-30 |
3.07MB |
310 | |
1 |
Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.22MB |
175 | |
0 |
Visual Word Ambiguity
1 |
2016-03-30 |
3.46MB |
3 | |
0 |
DAISY: An Efficient Dense Descriptor Applied to Wide-Baseline Stereo
1 |
2016-03-30 |
6.72MB |
3 | |
0 |
Product Quantization for Nearest Neighbor Search
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.95MB |
10 | |
0 |
In the Eye of the Beholder: A Survey of Models for Eyes and Gaze
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.52MB |
4 | |
2 |
Efficient Additive Kernels via Explicit Feature Maps
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.44MB |
2 | |
2 |
Fast Keypoint Recognition Using Random Ferns
1 |
2016-03-30 |
4.26MB |
2 | |
0 |
Survey of Pedestrian Detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
1 |
2016-03-30 |
4.59MB |
1 | |
1 |
Point Set Registration: Coherent Point Drift
1 |
2016-03-30 |
6.61MB |
2 | |
1 |
\{MODIS\} Collection 5 global land cover: Algorithm refinements and characterization of new datasets
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.64MB |
2 | |
1 |
Landsat-based inventory of glaciers in western Canada, 1985–2005
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.44MB |
1 | |
1 |
Remote sensing of impervious surfaces in the urban areas: Requirements, methods, and trends
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.39MB |
9 | |
1 |
Detecting trends in forest disturbance and recovery using yearly Landsat time series: 1. LandTrendr — Temporal segmentation algorithms
1 |
2016-03-30 |
2.66MB |
2 | |
1 |
Remote sensing of the urban heat island effect across biomes in the continental \{USA\}
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.70MB |
0 | |
1 |
An automated approach for reconstructing recent forest disturbance history using dense Landsat time series stacks
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.37MB |
1 | |
2 |
Detecting trend and seasonal changes in satellite image time series
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.48MB |
10 | |
1 |
Per-pixel vs. object-based classification of urban land cover extraction using high spatial resolution imagery
1 |
2016-03-30 |
3.47MB |
4 | |
1 |
Improvements to a \{MODIS\} global terrestrial evapotranspiration algorithm
1 |
2016-03-30 |
3.01MB |
1 | |
2 |
A New Algorithm for Processing Interferometric Data-Stacks: SqueeSAR
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.71MB |
8 | |
0 |
Reproducibility in density functional theory calculations of solids
1 |
2016-03-30 |
1.21MB |
20 | |
2 |
A new data set of educational attainment in the world, 1950–2010
1 |
2016-03-30 |
950.08kB |
43 | |
0 |
7,000 Hillary Clinton Emails
18 |
2016-09-04 |
5.26GB |
1,140 | 2+ |
0 |