Info hash | e046bca3bc837053d1609ef33d623ee5c5af7300 |
Last mirror activity | 0:33 ago |
Size | 6.60GB (6,600,745,142 bytes) |
Added | 2016-03-04 17:02:17 |
Views | 2196 |
Hits | 7163 |
ID | 3151 |
Type | multi |
Downloaded | 4011 time(s) |
Uploaded by | joecohen |
Folder | neural_nets_larochelle |
Num files | 92 files [See full list] |
Mirrors | 9 complete, 0 downloading = 9 mirror(s) total [Log in to see full list] |
neural_nets_larochelle (92 files)
Neural networks [10.13] - Natural language processing - tree inference-NJozqoejJnA.mp4 | 100.64MB |
Neural networks [10.14] - Natural language processing - recursive network training-oRxgRHJztPI.mp4 | 87.35MB |
Neural networks [10.12] - Natural language processing - merging representations-gPNPINa7PaM.mp4 | 31.31MB |
Neural networks [10.11] - Natural language processing - recursive network-AqEF2HIMjYA.mp4 | 49.86MB |
Neural networks [10.10] - Natural language processing - multitask learning-ciNBQupWsAc.mp4 | 136.05MB |
Neural networks [10.9] - Natural language processing - convolutional network-6jCDUQ-e-fY.mp4 | 108.85MB |
Neural networks [10.8] - Natural language processing - word tagging-pCLIo4Z-PsM.mp4 | 92.46MB |
Neural networks [10.7] - Natural language processing - hierarchical output layer-B95LTf2rVWM.mp4 | 117.45MB |
Neural networks [10.6] - Natural language processing - neural network language model-FoDz01QNSiY.mp4 | 109.55MB |
Neural networks [10.5] - Natural language processing - language modeling-iGmHnICXDss.mp4 | 57.46MB |
Neural networks [10.4] - Natural language processing - word representations-PKszi8iogak.mp4 | 71.48MB |
Neural networks [10.3] - Natural language processing - one-hot encoding-iZ3e_cifP7Y.mp4 | 51.95MB |
Neural networks [10.2] - Natural language processing - preprocessing-jcrhYEYwO9k.mp4 | 60.48MB |
Neural networks [10.1] - Natural language processing - motivation-OzZIOiMVUyM.mp4 | 19.74MB |
Neural networks [9.10] - Computer vision - convolutional RBM-y0SISi_T6s8.mp4 | 71.47MB |
Neural networks [9.9] - Computer vision - data set expansion-Km1Q5VcSKAg.mp4 | 51.28MB |
Neural networks [9.8] - Computer vision - example-Gk8VvSL3IMk.mp4 | 124.16MB |
Neural networks [9.7] - Computer vision - object recognition-eU83LSM3xnk.mp4 | 69.26MB |
Neural networks [9.6] - Computer vision - convolutional network-cDdpwAIsuD8.mp4 | 116.76MB |
Neural networks [9.5] - Computer vision - pooling and subsampling-I-JKxcpbRT4.mp4 | 52.43MB |
Neural networks [9.4] - Computer vision - discrete convolution-Y7TMwqAWEdo.mp4 | 86.37MB |
Neural networks [9.3] - Computer vision - parameter sharing-aAT1t9p7ShM.mp4 | 82.76MB |
Neural networks [9.2] - Computer vision - local connectivity-vLf3KVe2Z1k.mp4 | 30.80MB |
Neural networks [9.1] - Computer vision - motivation-rxKrCa4bg1I.mp4 | 46.77MB |
Neural networks [8.9] - relationship with V1-MdomgSiL86Q.mp4 | 49.68MB |
Neural networks [8.8] - Sparse coding - feature extraction-FL81zSjAEEg.mp4 | 68.91MB |
Neural networks [8.7] - Sparse coding - ZCA preprocessing-eUiwhV1QcQ4.mp4 | 50.63MB |
Neural networks [8.6] - Sparse coding - online dictionary learning algorithm-IePxTepLvQc.mp4 | 77.36MB |
Neural networks [8.5] - Sparse coding - dictionary learning algorithm-PzNMff7cYjM.mp4 | 47.52MB |
Neural networks [8.4] - Sparse coding - dictionary update with block-coordinate descent-UMdNfhgPKTc.mp4 | 82.37MB |
Neural networks [8.3] - Sparse coding - dictionary update with projected gradient descent-bhqNSjJ_A20.mp4 | 22.61MB |
Neural networks [8.2] - Sparse coding - inference (ISTA algorithm)-L6qhzWWtqQs.mp4 | 72.97MB |
Neural networks [8.1] - Sparse coding - definition-7a0_iEruGoM.mp4 | 68.77MB |
Neural networks [7.9] - Deep learning - DBN pre-training-35MUlYCColk.mp4 | 140.26MB |
Neural networks [7.8] - Deep learning - variational bound-pStDscJh2Wo.mp4 | 89.04MB |
Neural networks [7.7] - Deep learning - deep belief network-vkb6AWYXZ5I.mp4 | 99.13MB |
Neural networks [7.6] - Deep learning - deep autoencoder-z5ZYm_wJ37c.mp4 | 65.88MB |
Neural networks [7.5] - Deep learning - dropout-UcKPdAM8cnI.mp4 | 58.84MB |
Neural networks [7.4] - Deep learning - example-SXnG-lQ7RJo.mp4 | 85.69MB |
Neural networks [7.3] - Deep learning - unsupervised pre-training-Oq38pINmddk.mp4 | 86.50MB |
Neural networks [7.2] - Deep learning - difficulty of training-YoiUlN_77LU.mp4 | 72.44MB |
Neural networks [7.1] - Deep learning - motivation-vXMpKYRhpmI.mp4 | 100.49MB |
Neural networks [6.7] - Autoencoder - contractive autoencoder-79sYlJ8Cvlc.mp4 | 73.93MB |
Neural networks [6.5] - Autoencoder - undercomplete vs. overcomplete hidden layer-5rLgoM2Pkso.mp4 | 48.65MB |
Neural networks [6.6] - Autoencoder - denoising autoencoder-t2NQ_c5BFOc.mp4 | 124.20MB |
Neural networks [6.4] - Autoencoder - linear autoencoder-xq-I0Rl8mt0.mp4 | 166.49MB |
Neural networks [6.3] - Autoencoder - example-6DO_jVbDP3I.mp4 | 18.76MB |
Neural networks [6.2] - Autoencoder - loss function-xTU79Zs4XKY.mp4 | 73.12MB |
Neural networks [6.1] - Autoencoder - definition-FzS3tMl4Nsc.mp4 | 39.23MB |
Type: Course
@article{, title= {Neural Networks Video Lectures - Hugo Larochelle}, journal= {}, author= {Hugo Larochelle}, year= {}, url= {}, abstract= {Here is the list of topics covered in the course, segmented over 10 weeks. Each week is associated with explanatory video clips and recommended readings. 0. Introduction and math revision 1. Feedforward neural network 2. Training neural networks 3. Conditional random fields 4. Training CRFs 5. Restricted Boltzmann machine 6. Autoencoders 7. Deep learning 8. Sparse coding 9. Computer vision 10. Natural language processing }, keywords= {}, terms= {} }